You and Me and Baby Makes… WHAAAT?!

Some of you may or may not be aware of the fact that my husband, Bill, and I have been trying to get pregnant for the past four years.  We had many obstacles to overcome with a vasectomy reversal, stage four endometriosis, and then later finding out my husband had a sperm antibody which prevented sperm from penetrating the egg naturally. With all of that being said, my doctor suggested that in vitro fertilization (IVF) would be our only hope. This was our second attempt at IVF (the first pregnancy in February, sadly ended in miscarriage at just four weeks) but we are THRILLED to announce that I am happily nine weeks pregnant!!!

This is the very first picture of my little fertilized eggs (taken by the microscope of the embryologist):

Under our infertility doctor’s recommendation, we implanted two healthy embryos. Due to my age (yes, I know 44 is old, LOL!) my doctor monitored me weekly, and my initial beta/hcg levels were through the roof. At our first ultra sound at four weeks, we immediately saw two gestational sacs… yup, you guessed it, twins! Oh, but wait!!!  Here is the crazy part… one of the eggs had gone ahead and split. Meaning….OMG! TRIPLETS!! This means we will have two identical babies and a third fraternal triplet.  Michelle went with me to the ultrasound and took this photo (with her little point and shoot camera) right after the doctor gave us the news… haha, can you tell that I was definitely shocked?!

We are sooo very excited and scared to death at the same time. This has been a long, hard, emotional roller coaster for the past four years, and I am so thankful to my family and friends for their love and support through out this time. You do not realize the emotional heartache that goes along with infertility. Month after month, year after year, disappointment after disappointment… which is why I am so thankful to God for sending me to Dr. Barry Donesky with My Fertility Center. He has a satellite office here in West Knoxville, but their main office is located in Chattanooga. The entire staff, from receptionist to doctor, are absolutely amazing. These people all went above and beyond my expectations of kindness, sincerity, and love. Basically, they were all wonderful! I would recommend them to anyone who is having any sort of fertility problems. These people go out of their way to make you feel like you are not alone on this incredible (and sometimes heartbreaking) journey.

Some of you may be wondering why at my age and the ages of my children, would I want to start a family all over again? All I can say is that I am finally at a place in my life where I have true honest to God love from a man who is the kindest, most loving man I have ever met. He is my best friend, he means everything to me and I am totally madly deeply in love with him. Oh, and the fact that he adores me and treats me like a princess isn’t bad either! One of my friends had said to me “Why would God put this desire in your heart if it wasn’t meant to be?”  So, my answer to the “why’s” is, who says you can’t have everything?! Did I mention that I surprised him with our midnight wedding? I will save that story for another time….

Thank you to all of you dear wonderful friends and clients who have become friends, for your prayers and support. I have the BEST job in the world, where I get to work with and meet the most amazing people! And now I am truly BLESSED x 3!!
Can you tell I’m a big bucket of love these days? hormones…..

Oh and by the way, there is only a 1 in 30,000 chance of this happening. I think I need to start playing the lottery 🙂


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